You need to develop lots of mental toughness and acquire as much knowledge as possible if you’re to motivate yourself to lead a gluten-free life. Mind you, this challenge is not like anything you’ve seen or experienced before!
When you’re initially diagnosed with Celiac disease, you could experience a mixture of emotions, from self-pity to relief, anger to helplessness. Whatever be your experiences, there is no denying the fact that in leading a gluten-free life you can easily increase your energy levels and that you will effectively manage your overall health conditions.
How to go about motivating yourself to lead a gluten-free life?
Amongst the first things you need to do after you’re diagnosed with Celiac disease is to equip yourself with loads of information. After all, knowledge is power and there is no denying this statement!
Prepare a list of what you should do and what you shouldn’t be doing and carry this list wherever you go…
1. Celiac society and help from other quarters
While there are many internet sites available these days that can provide you much needed help related to celiac disease, it is also beneficial if you get in touch with the Celiac Society of your country and subscribe to their weekly or monthly newsletters.
This way you can keep yourself updated with all things happening in the celiac world. If there are forthcoming in solving your individual problems, then consider emailing them whenever there is a need.
It is not just the Celiac Society you can take help from, even nutritionists and qualified dieticians can be consulted for getting recommendations to a gluten-free diet.
You could even consider talking to the customer department directly of manufacturers that produce or do marketing for gluten-free items.
2. Develop mental toughness
If you were to motivate yourself into leading a successful gluten-free life then you need to develop some mental toughness sooner or later.
See if you have made any wrong decisions in the past with respect to your eating habit or selection of foods. What were you feeling? What were you thinking back then?
It has been seen that some of the common situations that force you to make bad decisions with respect to food and eating habits are being under the influence of alcohol or trying to bring attention to yourself unnecessarily.
If you chalk out suitable strategies for dealing with these situations then there shouldn’t be any problem in motivating yourself to lead a healthy life.
3. Reward yourself!
Yes, you heard it right. Consider rewarding yourself for achieving small milestones or leading a gluten-free life for say 1 month can be a big thing, especially when you’re undertaking the mission for the first time.
No doubt, improved health and increased energy levels are rewarding enough in their own way, but when you treat yourself to something good for achieving something significant is in a way motivating yourself to do even greater in the near future.
I, for example, reward myself with special biscuits (gluten-free ones!) each time I reach my objective. Maybe, you can consider doing something similar.