The easiest way to find gluten free restaurants in Japan Japanese food x Gluten freeDo you love Japanese food but are not sure how it works with a gluten-free diet?View MoreSearch by Category cafe cafe (59) restaurant restaurant (58) store store (75) Recommended Restaurants KO-SO CAFÉ (コーソカフェ) KO-SO CAFÉ (コーソカフェ) Shibuya-ku / cafe Oichiffon (おいしふぉん) Oichiffon (おいしふぉん) Fukuchiyama-shi / store SANCHA TEPPEN ORGANIC 85BA SANCHA TEPPEN ORGANIC 85BA Setagaya-ku / cafe MOMINOKI HOUSE MOMINOKI HOUSE Shibuya-ku / restaurant Daylight kitchen (デイライトキッチン) Daylight kitchen (デイライトキッチン) Shibuya-ku / cafe 運営:Web制作会社 | ニュートラルワークス