Gluten-Free Diet and how it can help reduce your weight

gluten foods
Jul 31 2016

Gluten-Free Diet and how it can help reduce your weight

Before you understand more about a gluten-free diet and how it can help reduce your weight, it is important to understand what gluten exactly is and where it can be found. For starters, gluten is a kind of protein that is commonly found across certain types of carbohydrates. Bread is a popular source of this complex protein and it is what gives it a chewy texture and allows it to be stretchy.


Though gluten is commonly found across wheat-based foods like bread, flour, doughnuts, pasta, bagels, biscuits, and others, other food stuff like grains, ice creams, sauces, soups, sausages, and others may also gluten in varying proportions.

Therefore, it is safe to say that gluten is commonly found in many foods and you need to adapt to gluten-free diet like a duck to water and make sure your weight is reduced considerably.

If you don’t like to stay away from foods that contain gluten then it may be difficult to follow the diet that is completely devoid of it. So, in a way, you need to be mentally and physically prepared for these changes in your lifestyle.



Though there are quite a lot food items you cannot eat while you’re on a gluten-free diet, you need not fret. This is because there are still considerable food options that you can consider eating while you’re embarking on gluten-free journey. Some of these options include arrowroot, potatoes, yams, quinoa, millets, lean animal proteins, legumes, nuts, and others.


Adhering to a gluten-free diet may be tough for many, especially in the beginning. However, you can stick to it with lots of self-discipline, patience, and research. And when you really stick to this diet, it is possible to lose anywhere between 30 and 80 pounds within a matter of a couple of months. Interestingly, this kind of weight loss is not seen in other forms of diets that are on the market these days.

Therefore, it is not surprising to see gluten-free diet kicking on in a big way. Though the results are assured in the form of weight loss in a gluten-free diet, you need to make sure you consult a doctor and discuss this form of diet with him/her. This is especially necessary if you’re already suffering from certain medical conditions or diseases.



To be successful while following a gluten-free diet, there is one more thing you need to understand inside-out. This is the difference between a gluten-free diet and a carbohydrate- free diet.

Most people embarking on a gluten-free diet often misunderstand this kind of diet to a diet that totally ignores carbohydrates. You need to realize that while carbs are commonly found across food items like bread, potatoes, chips, gluten is mainly found in flour and wheat-based products.

Therefore, while you’re attempting to eliminate all those foodstuff that may contain gluten in one way or other, the ones that contain carbohydrates may still present in the foods you select. Therefore, it is important to understand the difference between a gluten-free diet and a carbohydrate-free diet.