5 Gluten-Free Foods That Start With the Letter “R”

Nov 07 2015

5 Gluten-Free Foods That Start With the Letter “R”

There are so many foods out there that many of us don’t eat often. Sometimes we shy away from them more if we don’t know whether or not they’re gluten free. So, as I’ve suggested before, sorting gluten-free foods by letters of the alphabet is a great way to remember them as you’re walking up and down the aisles at your local grocery store. Here are five foods, that are gluten-free, that start with the letter “R”.

1. Rice
Out of all the items on this list, rice will probably be the most popular since it’s a staple in many different cuisines, especially Asian and Mexican. What many people don’t know is that rice is gluten free. It’s filled with carbohydrates, so it can boost your energy and it’s also a cholesterol-free food. My family eats rice a lot. One of my favorite meals to make is a rice bowl using rice, ground turkey, salsa and guacamole. Sometimes I scoop it right out of the bowl, with corn chips, if I’m craving something crunchy.

2. Radishes
Believe it or not, eating radishes can actually bring down your body temperature. If you’re sick, they can help clear mucus or calm a throat that is sore and inflamed. Radishes also help with digestion and provide Vitamin C, which can help you stay healthy to begin with. Something new I tried recently is roasting radishes with butter, lemon zest, chopped chives, salt and pepper. They’re a great alternative to potatoes when prepared this way.

3. Raisins
Dried fruits, like raisins, are so convenient for those who like to move around outside. They’re light to carry and taste great even after a long day of bike riding or walking. They’ve been known to aid with anemia and fever and can help stabilize insulin levels. One of my favorite ways to eat raisins is to add them to gluten-free oats, along with cinnamon and goat milk.

4. Rhubarb
This vegetable is high in fiber and rich in Vitamin K, which promotes bone growth. One article I read states that rhubarb can limit neuronal brain damage and even help reverse Alzheimer’s Disease. Recently, I’ve found so many gluten-free recipes for rhubarb tarts, crisps, pies and muffins that I don’t know where to start… But I’m sure I will soon!

5. Rutabaga
This unique vegetable is actually one of the baby foods I give to my son. I never knew what they were until he ate them, but lately I’ve become interested in eating them myself, especially since both my son and I require a gluten-free diet. Not only are rutabagas nutty and sweet, they are high in antioxidants, zinc and fiber. If you have one of those gadgets at home that can turn your vegetables into pasta, the rutabaga is a great one to try it on. Then you can experiment with gluten-free sauces to find a quick and healthy option for a light lunch or pair it with a chicken breast for a heartier dinner.