- マッシュルームのクリームソーススパゲッティ 1,800円
- ピーマンの鮮やかクリームソーススパゲッティ 1,800円
- なすとベーコンのペンネ 1,800円
- ズッキーニとひき肉のタリアテッレ 1,800円
- ミートソースのタリアテッレ 1,800円
- ルッコラのサラダパスタ 1,800円
- アマトリチャーナ 1,800円
- ツナとアンチョビのチャバッタサンド 1,200円
- ポーチドエッグとスモークサーモンのオープンサンド 1,600円
- ピーナツバターとアボカドの野菜たっぷりサンド 1,600円
- 野菜たっぷりのハムチーズサンド 1,400円
Pancake 1,200yen Waffle 1,200yen
Ciabatta w/ Herb Butter 300yen Raw Zucchini Bread 800yen
Brown Rice Veggie Rolls 1,200yen Soup & Salad Set 800yen
Green Smoothie 600yen Elderflower Drink 300yen
Coffee 400yen Herbal Tea 400yen
Cafe Au Lait 500yen Earl Grey Tea 400yen
Espresso 600yen Hot Chocolate 600yen
By Train
Take the North Exit of JR Omori Sta. Go straight on German St. At the bridge, turn right. Go straight along Sanno Elementary School while seeing the elementary school at your left side. Turn right at the first corner where you will see a hair salon. Turn left at the first corner and go straight. Gluten-free café EAT TOGETHER will be at your left side, approximately 5th house from the last corner. About 5 min walk from JR Omori Sta.
By Car
We do not have a parking space for guests. Please park your car on German St. or in a nearby pay parking lot. We apologize for any inconvenience caused and appreciate your cooperation.
EAT TOGETHER is a “reservation only” café and gluten-free foods at Sanno Grocery are sold mainly online. So if you would like to visit us, please call us in advance to make sure we are open.
- Address東京都大田区山王1-22-9 山王ツインハウスB2
- Phone
- E-mail
- Website
- Categoryカフェ, レストラン
- Location大田区, 東京都
- By glutenfree
- Email: